When His Eyes Opened novel by Simple Silence novel read online free Chapter 2698 (2024)

In the classroom, everyone was looking at Eric.

Because Eric was standing in front of Hazel, everyone’s eyes fell on Hazel.

Why did Eric suddenly stop in front of Hazel?

Why did he pick up Hazel’s book?

Could it be, did they know each other?

Eric quickly came back to his senses, and realized that his behavior was a little abrupt, he immediately held up the book and explained to the students: “I forgot to bring the textbook.” Then he lowered his eyes and asked Hazel: “Can I borrow it?” Do I use your book?”

Hazel nodded.

After speaking, he took Hazel’s book and strode towards the podium.

“Teacher, my book can also be used by you!” A female student said.

Eric: “One book is enough. Alright, let’s start class.”

The students sitting next to Hazel whispered to her: “I thought you knew Eric!”

Hazel smiled, shook her head.

“But my textbook is also taken out, why didn’t he ask me to borrow it?” The female student sighed regretfully.

Hazel: “Maybe he just saw mine!”

“Oh… you are so lucky. There is a faint fragrance on Eric’s body… your books will change in a moment…It’s become fragrant.”

Hazel: “…”

When Eric was lecturing on the stage, many students below secretly took out their mobile phones and secretly took pictures.

Hazel thought it was quite interesting, but she resisted the idea of ​​secretly taking pictures with her mobile phone.

Some of Eric’s music knowledge could be understood by Hazel, and some Hazel couldn’t understand, but no matter whether she understood it or not, she listened very seriously.

After Eric talked for a while, he sat down in front of the piano next to him. The slender fingers danced on the keys, and pleasant notes fluttered out.

Some female students couldn’t help but let out a low cry of excitement.

Eric’s every move was extremely elegant.

Hazel quietly watched him playing the piano.

After the song was over, Eric invited students to play the piano.

Hazel didn’t know how to play the piano, so she didn’t raise her hand.

Eric invited a male student and a female student to come on stage.

The classroom atmosphere was relatively relaxed throughout, and soon, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

“Mr. Eric! Can we take a group photo? A group photo is also fine!” The female student was afraid that Eric would leave, so she immediately asked.

The other students followed suit.

Eric took Hazel’s textbook and walked up to Hazel’s seat: “Thank you.”

Hazel: “You’re welcome.”

Hazel took the book and really smelled a faint fragrance.

The scent was not overly fragrant, but it was also impossible to ignore.

This scent was a bit like the smell of sunshine.

She wanted to describe it, but she couldn’t.

“Mr. Eric, please! Take a photo with us! I really like you so much!” A girl chased after Eric and begged.

Eric smiled at Hazel, then turned to take pictures with other students.

Hazel didn’t go over to take pictures.

Because the podium was already full of people.

Hazel put the textbooks into her schoolbag and left the classroom.

It was strange to say that Eric’s gentle smile still appeared in her mind even though she had already walked out of the classroom.

Did Mr.Eric treat everyone like this? No wonder so many people liked him.

In the evening, the driver came to the school to pick up Hazel.

After Hazel got into the car, he chatted with the driver.

“A big star came to our school today.”

The driver asked, “Which big star?”

“Eric, you must have heard of it, right?”

The driver laughed when he heard Eric’s name: “I’ve heard his name, and I’ve seen him before! He and your mother are friends!”


The smile on Hazel’s face froze suddenly.

Eric and his mother are friends.

Then Eric asked her to borrow books today, was it possible that he recognized her?

Hazel immediately opened her schoolbag, took out her music textbook, and opened it she patted herself on the head!

On the title page of the textbook, Eric left her a message.

Eric said he wanted to meet her privately, and he left a number on it.

This should be Eric’s number.

“Please stop the car.” Hazel immediately said to the driver.

The car had just been driven, not far away.

Hazel got off the car and dialed the number on the textbook.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Eric’s voice came: “Hello.”

“Mr.Eric, I’m sorry, I just saw what you wrote in my book.” Hazel said blushingly.

“Are you still in school?” Eric said with a smile.

“Well, I’m at the school gate now.”

“Okay, I’ll go find you. I’ll be there in about ten minutes.” Eric said to Hazel after checking the time.


After talking on the phone, Hazel saw the driver walking towards him.

“Uncle, I’ll go back later.”

“Oh, what’s the matter?” the driver asked.

“Eric asked me to meet.” Hazel couldn’t hide it, so she said directly, “Don’t tell my parents first. I’ll see what he wants to do with me.”

The driver nodded with a smile: “Okay. I won’t tell anyone.”

Because The driver knew that Eric was a good person, he wasn’t worried that something unpleasant would happen when Hazel and Eric met.

Ten minutes later, a black car stopped in front of Hazel.

The car window fell, and Eric’s face appeared in front of Hazel.

“Hazel, I’ll treat you to dinner.” Eric said.

This point was dinner time, and there were students everywhere outside.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Eric didn’t get out of the car.

After he sent out the dinner invitation, Hazel readily agreed.

Hazel opened the door of the passenger seat and got into the car.

After the car drove out, The driver immediately drove to keep up.

“The car behind is my driver.” Hazel explained to Eric.

Eric smiled and said, “I’ve seen him.”

“Oh…I didn’t know you and my mother were friends!”

“I see. I only saw you after seeing that my guess was your parents brought you back.” Eric was in a good mood, “Your parents didn’t tell me about it.”

“Maybe it’s because I told my parents not to tell too much about it.” Hazel tried to find love for Eric.

“It’s better to keep a low profile. Otherwise, you won’t be able to go to school well.”

“Well, Mr. Eric, can I tell my parents about the dinner I had with you?” Hazel asked, “I’ll be late when I go back later, Mom will ask me.”

In fact, Hazel could choose to lie, saying that something happened at school, but Hazel didn’t want to lie to her mother.

“Of course. I’ll call your mother now.” Eric said, put on the bluetooth headset, and dialed Avery.

The call got through quickly.

“Aery, I met Hazel today. I’ll take her to dinner now, is that okay?” Eric confessed.

Avery was very surprised: “How did you meet?”

“I came to Nantah University today to help a friend take a class, and it happened that Hazel took this class. I saw her name, so I recognized her.” Eric replied.

“That’s such a coincidence.” Avery also smiled, “As long as she agrees to have dinner with you, it’s fine.”

“Well. She’s in my car now. After dinner, I’ll take her back home.”


After talking on the phone, Eric took off his earphones.


“I made an appointment with your mother.

“Mr. Eric, do you specialize in teaching now?”

Eric said with a smile: “I am retired now, and teaching is just a small hobby of mine. There are not many classes every week.”

“Oh, what a coincidence today!”

Eric didn’t take music class, if the teacher didn’t ask for leave, then she and Eric wouldn’t be able to see each other.

“Indeed. Today is such a coincidence. When I saw your name in the textbook, I thought I was dreaming.” Having said that, Eric asked, “When did you return to Foster’s house?”

Hazel: “Just this summer vacation.”

Eric: “How are you getting along with your family?”

Hazel: “Yes. They love me very much. They treat me very well.”

Eric asked again: “How are you getting along with your older brothers and sisters?

“I stayed at home for a while! The second brother Robert and sister Layla are also very kind to me. Everyone is very kind to me.”

Hazel: [Sis, do you like him?]

Layla: [Mmm. I confessed to him and he rejected me. In order to make me give up, he quickly found a girlfriend. ]

Hazel: [That’s too bad.]

Layla: [Please help me and ask him and his girlfriend what’s going on.]

Hazel: [OK.]

Eric saw Hazel keep sending messages, but didn’t say anything.

He could guess who she was messaging.

“Mr. Eric, When do you and your girlfriend plan to get married?” Hazel put down her phone and asked obediently.

Eric: “Your sister asked you to ask?”

Hazel took a sip of juice from the juice cup: “hmm.”

“Hazel, go back and persuade your sister not to be too horny.” Eric didn’t answer the question, but said earnestly, “I’m too different from her, it’s not suitable.”

“What’s the difference?” Hazel could feel that her sister liked Eric very much, so she wanted to find out why thing.

“Age gap.”

“Oh…you can’t tell! You look quite young.” Hazel stared at Eric for a while, then said with a smile.

“Your parents won’t allow me to be with her. I don’t want to see her falling out with the family because of this.”

“Okay, I will persuade her when I go back.” Hazel said in a low voice, “I don’t think the age gap is a problem.”

“I don’t have a good relationship with your father.” Eric said the deeper reason, “Your mother saved my life. At that time, your father and your mother often quarreled. I don’t want to see your mother suffer, so I want to protect her. Maybe my way is too clumsy; your father regards me as a rival in love, and I also regard him as an enemy.”


Hazel didn’t expect things to be so complicated, and felt a little tricky all of a sudden.

“Then why does my sister like you so much?” Hazel was puzzled.

If Eric had a bad relationship with Elliot, shouldn’t Layla stand by Elliot?

“I just said that they always quarreled at that time. Hayden and Layla were relatively young at that time. When they were on winter and summer vacation, Hayden would follow your uncle, Mike, and Layla would follow me.” Eric recalled and the corners of his mouth twitched at these past events, “Later, after your father and your mother completely reconciled, the relationship between me and your father was not so rigid.”

Hazel nodded: “So, you and my sister spent a lot of time together. Long, so my sister should have liked you since she was a child. What about you? Do you like my sister?”

“Of course I like your sister. But what I mean by liking is not the kind of love between a man and a woman. A beautiful girl like your sister, is destined to be liked by people. No matter if they are younger than her, or the same age as her, or elders, as long as they see her, they will basically like her very much.”

Hazel agreed with this point.

Hazel: “My sister is not only beautiful, but also has a good personality. If I were a man, I would like her too.”

“Yes.” Eric took the tweezers and concentrated on grilling the meat.

Hazel suddenly thought of another question: “Mr. Eric, my sister confessed to you, do my parents know about it?”

“I know.” Eric put the grilled meat into Hazel’s bowl, “Because of this incident, my relationship with your parents is very awkward now.”

Hazel: “Oh… no wonder I came back and my mother didn’t tell me about this.”

Eric: “I can understand their feelings.”

“I don’t think my mother will treat you with that kind of prejudice, right? My mother gives me the feeling that as long as it is reasonable, there is nothing she cannot accept. She has a particularly strong tolerance and it’s also very high…” Hazel speculated.

“You are right, your mother is indeed a very tolerant person. But this matter cannot be considered from this aspect alone. Your father and your mother have a very good relationship, and they are very loving. Your mother can’t just consider her own feelings, regardless of your father’s feelings.”

When Eric said this, Hazel completely understood that the biggest obstacle between layla and Eric was his father.

After dinner, Eric sent Hazel home.

The car stopped at the entrance of Foster’s courtyard.

Hazel got out of the car.

Layla heard the movement and strode out of the living room.

“Sister!” Hazel shouted immediately when she saw Layla.

Layla responded and strode over.

Eric was sitting in the car, whether he was going or not.

“Sister, I packed a barbecue for you.” Hazel showed the bag in her hand to Layla, “It’s all baked by Mr. Eric.”

Layla took the bag over and said, “You go back to the house first! I’ll be back after talking a little bit with him.”

Hazel nodded sensiblely, and quickly ran towards the door of the villa with her schoolbag on her back.

When Hazel went to the door to change her shoes, Avery and Elliot walked over.

They had already seen Layla talking to Eric at the gate of the courtyard.

Hazel was afraid that her parents would go out and make trouble with Eric, so she took the initiative to say: “Mom, what a coincidence today! Our music teacher is on sick leave.”

Avery said with a smile on her face, “It’s a coincidence. Are you full?”

“I’m full. I ate a lot of meat.” Hazel put down her schoolbag and touched her belly.

Seeing Hazel taking the initiative to speak, Elliot accosted, “What did he talk to you about?”

Hazel used her brains, and replied, “Talked a lot, about his work, and the past… He said that he had a serious accident before and was about to die, but my mother saved his life. He said he was very grateful to my mother.”

Hazel’s words reminded Avery of many past events.

“I’ll ask him to come in and sit down!” Avery seemed to be discussing with Elliot, but actually walked out after speaking.

After Avery saved Eric, Eric never forgot this life-saving grace.

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    When His Eyes Opened novel by Simple Silence novel read online free Chapter 2698 (2024)
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    Name: Delena Feil

    Birthday: 1998-08-29

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    Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.