Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (2024)

Jungle is perhaps the most experimental role in League of Legends. You can literally take any champion in the jungle and succeed as long as you know your pick’s strengths and weaknesses.

And in this post, I’ll tell you about the 15 best off-meta junglers you can play in League of Legends.

I’ll explain why they’re strong in the jungle role and how you should approach farming and ganking with them.

So even if you’ve never played these champions in the jungle, you’ll be armed and ready to do so by the end of this post.

Let’s start!

Table of Contents

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in LoL

15. Neeko

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (1)

I’ll start my list of the best s12 off-meta junglers in League of Legends with Neeko for an excellent reason – she’s simply one of the greatest trickster champions in the game!

And if you want a champ that can consistently outplay their enemies, no matter the situation, Neeko is definitely for you!

Neeko has a fantastic set of abilities for the early game. Her Q and E are AoE abilities that do more than enough damage to the jungle camps.

Neeko doesn’t struggle too much to get her first two buffs since she can kite well with her E and Everfrost. And her Q will always bloom three times against large monsters in the jungle.

Once you get a few levels, jungling with Neeko is actually pretty easy. This champion scales extremely well and she’s one of the hardest-hitting AP mages in League of Legends.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (2)

When it comes to ganking, you only need creativity with Neeko! You should always take advantage of Neeko’s passive and W to trick your opponents.

For example, you can take the appearance of your ally Blitzcrank to force the enemy bot laners into a corner. This will make it easier for you to land your root.

You can also send an illusion with Neeko’s W to make your enemies waste their dashes/stuns on it.

The fact that Neeko can change into anyone on her team and confuse her enemies with illusions makes her one of the scariest junglers in the game.

If you think about it, no other meta jungler has this many advantages when it comes to ganking.

So, I can only recommend trying out Neeko jungle for yourself!


  • Dark Harvest
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Relentless Hunter
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Everfrost
  • Lich Bane
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Shadowflame
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap

Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta Supports

14. Heimerdinger

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (3)

Next on the list is Heimerdinger! This is a super fun jungle pick to try out, especially if your team doesn’t depend too much on ganks in the early game.

Heimerdinger doesn’t have the best jungle clear when you start the match. In fact, you might struggle to get through the first few levels.

That’s why a good leash from your teammates is always needed when you play Heimer jungle.

But Heimerdinger can place turrets around the jungle to help him defeat the jungle camps. And compared to other mage junglers, this is a huge advantage for many reasons.

First of all, Heimerdinger’s turrets can tank a few hits from the jungle monsters.

And second, each turret fires additional attacks which helps Heimerdinger secure buffs and neutral objectives faster.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (4)

Moreover, there are tons of tricks you can do with Heimer’s turrets in the jungle. For example, you can place your turrets between the Blue Buff and the Gromp.

That way, the turrets will help you fight both camps individually or simultaneously, depending on your pull.

And lastly, one of the best ways to take advantage of Heimerdinger jungle is to pull up a big turret and quickly take down the Dragon or the Rift Herald. And you can do this alone with no help from your teammates!

Once you’re out of the farming phase, you might find ganking with Heimerdinger pretty satisfying too. You got your E to stun or slow the enemy laner down. And your damage is always high, no matter the current state of your items.

That’s why Heimerdinger is one of my favorite off-meta/exotic jungle picks in LoL!


  • Dark Harvest
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Transcendence
  • Scorch


  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Liandry’s Anguish
  • Demonic Embrace
  • Morellonomicon
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap

Read Also: Red vs. Blue Kayn – Guide

13. Blitzcrank

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (5)

Some champions are good at the jungle role because they can farm monster camps pretty quickly. But Blitzcrank is the complete opposite.

And the only reason why you’d even try Blitz jungle is to torment your enemies with constant ganks!

Blitzcrank’s best tool is by far his Q – Rocket Grab. It’s a powerful ability that hooks enemies and brings them to Blitz. And if you aim it well, Blitzcrank’s Q can give your entire team countless champion takedowns around the map.

With Blitzcrank, you have a couple of ways to start each match. For example, you can ask your teammates for a hard leash since Blitz’s damage is pretty underwhelming early on.

However, you can also invade the opposing team early on and build an advantage from there.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (6)

But my favorite way to start a game of Blitzcrank jungle is to pull the Blue/Red Buff while your opponent is fighting it so you can quickly Smite it. This isn’t always easy to do and it is a “high-risk high-reward” tactic.

But if you manage to do it, you’ll get level 2 instantly while your enemy will be significantly slowed for the early game. And if you fail, you’ll be behind instead!

Blitzrank’s damage against monsters is never high and you should focus on ganking instead of farming.

Camping a lane and waiting in a brush for the perfect hook may sometimes be better instead of trying to catch up to the enemy Lee Sin in farm.

That’s why building full AP on Blitzcrank jungle is the right thing to do. It will simply make you a lot faster. And since Blitz scales well, his combo can always one-shot a squishy enemy champion.

But you can also try out the new and improved AD Blitzcrank brusier build and dominate your games!


  • Predator
  • Cheap Shot
  • Ghost Poro
  • Relentless Hunter
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Mobility Boots
  • Everfrost
  • Lich Bane
  • Cosmic Drive
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Void Staff

Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta Supports

12. Teemo

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (7)

Teemo jungle is another glorious pick to torture your opponents with. There are so many things you can do with Teemo to annoy your enemies that I’d insist you give this champ a shot in the jungle role.

When you play Teemo jungle, your job is to reach level 6 as soon as possible. Once you unlock your Noxious Trap, you can start setting up mushrooms around the map.

It will take level 11 to really put pressure on the whole of Summoner’s Rift, but getting level 6 should always be your priority.

During the first few levels, you’ll find it a bit tough to farm the jungle camps with Teemo. Don’t worry about this since your E will start to do a lot more damage from level 4 onwards.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (8)

It doesn’t matter too much which buff you take first, but I’ve noticed that starting with the Red Buff helps out a lot. After all, Teemo’s main source of damage before level 6 is auto-attacks, so the Red Buff helps you with that.

The best way to gank with Teemo is to either visit allies that have crowd control or simply gank enemy champions that don’t have mobility (no dashes/jumps). Teemo lacks CC and he can’t overwhelm one target the way Lee Sin can.

However, if your teammates are willing to help you out, Teemo jungle can be incredibly powerful.

Depending on your build and power advantage, Teemo’s mushrooms in the late game can hurt a lot. Since you’ll have the freedom to move into the jungle, your traps can be anywhere.

So, you’ll likely create a hell ground for your opponents to play in.

Also, you can always switch to playing Teemo AD and have a better start. So, here’s a guide for playing Teemo AD.


  • Dark Harvest
  • Cheap Shot
  • Ghost Poro
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Transcendence
  • Scorch


  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Liandry’s Anguish
  • Nashor’s Tooth
  • Lich Bane
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Morellonomicon

Read Also: Full AP Ivern Build Guide

11. Zoe

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (9)

Zoe jungle is one of my favorite exotic picks in the entire League of Legends. Zoe is my main champion but playing her in the jungle role is often more fun than playing Zoe support or mid lane.

Zoe has many strengths that allow her to carry games. But the best asset that Zoe has in the jungle is her E – Sleepy Trouble Bubble. This spell travels through terrains, puts a single enemy to sleep, and increases the damage done to them.

Because of this, Zoe’s Sleepy Trouble Bubble is one of the greatest abilities for ganking in League of Legends.

Even as a mid laner, Zoe’s ganks are pretty scary. But as a jungler, she has the advantage of surprising the enemy laners even more.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (10)

Additionally, Zoe has fantastic damage throughout the game. She’s a one-shot burst mage that deals damage from a safe distance. She can always assist enemies with CC and damage, so she’s never a bad jungle pick either.

Aside from her sleep, Zoe’s pretty good at chasing opponents. Each time she comes to gank a lane, Zoe can collect the Flashes, Exhausts, and Ignites from the enemy players.

And with two or three Flashes per team fight, no one can escape Zoe’s damage.

The only problem with playing Zoe jungle is the early game, specifically getting to level 3. Zoe struggles to damage the monster camps because they follow her closely and she can’t take advantage of her range.

However, once you get to level 3 and start ganking, this champion is bonkers!

Here are my top 10 tips when playing Zoe if you need help with this champion.


  • Electrocute
  • Sudden Impact
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Relentless Hunter
  • Nimbus Cloak
  • Transcendence


  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Luden’s Tempest
  • Lich Bane
  • Horizon Focus
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Void Staff

Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Zoe Is Such A Good Champion

10. Leona

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (11)

When you’re thinking about off-meta junglers in League of Legends, supports are often great examples of it. And Leona is one of my favorite support champions that fits incredibly well in the role of a jungler.

One of the reasons why Leona jungle is so good is that she’s natural at roaming and ganking. Even as a support, half of Leona’s job is to gank the enemy laners and roam together with her jungler to secure objectives around the map.

When put into the jungle role, Leona’s only difficulty is the first 3 levels. Since her damage is fit for a support, she can’t clear the entire jungle as fast as Graves or Elise.

However, once you get two buffs and get the ball rolling, Leona’s farming is actually easier than Zoe’s.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (12)

But when you play Leona jungle, your main concern should be ganking. Unlike many junglers in League of Legends, Leona has multiple ways to stun her target and lock them down for multiple seconds.

She can always engage with E to dash and root her enemy, follow it up with the stun from Q, and even use R to stun the enemy again.

This level of crowd control is really rare, so you must take advantage of it. Moreover, since Leona’s abilities have such low cooldowns, I’d recommend you to camp lanes.

It’s more useful for Leona to spend her time ganking champion than actually farming monsters, so do that instead.

You can also play Leona AP in the jungle with this build. It will give you more damage and can surprise your enemies. If not, go for the AD Leona bruiser build instead.


  • Aftershock
  • Font of Life
  • Conditioning
  • Unflinching
  • Cheap Shot
  • Relentless Hunter


  • Mobility Boots
  • Turbo Chemtank
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Thornmail
  • Force of Nature
  • Warmog’s Armor

Read Also: 15 Best Mid Laners for Beginners

9. Yorick

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (13)

Yorick isn’t a popular champion in League of Legends. And many players haven’t even tried him. But if you want to give Yorick a chance, he can be one of the most fun off-meta junglers in the game!

Yorick has many qualities that make him a good jungler. First of all, Yorick summons Mist Walkers to help him out whenever he fights a neutral jungle camp.

These Mist Walkers do physical damage and even scale with 25% of Yorick’s attack damage.

In other words, Yorick can use his undead minions to quickly and easily take down jungle monsters.

Not only is this useful in the early game when the Mist Walkers can tank for Yorick, but later too when Yorick can secure objectives like the Dragon without any other help.

Once he gets to level 6, Yorick has access to the Maiden of the Mist. This is a powerful minion that you can fully control and it even raises Mist Walkers on its own.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (14)

There are many things that you can do with Maiden of the Mist, but my favorite is to command it to attack another jungle camp than the one you’re currently fighting.

That way you can take two jungle camps at the same time, with Maiden fighting one camp and Yorick fighting another.

And that’s why Yorick is one of the best champions with pets in League of Legends!

Besides his farming capabilities, Yorick can be great at ganking too. His W is a trap that disables enemies from escaping.

And Yorick’s E is a long-range attack that deals a bunch of damage while sending Mist Walkers to the target.

To make this playstyle a bit more exotic, I also recommend you build Yorick AP. His E will do much more damage and you can use it to torture your enemies. So here’s my guide for playing full AP Yorick.

But if you don’t want to experiment further, here’s the regular build for Yorick jungle.


  • Conqueror
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Bloodline
  • Last Stand
  • Overgrowth
  • Conditioning


  • Plated Steelcaps
  • Divine Sunderer
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Black Cleaver
  • Thornmail
  • Serylda’s Grudge

Read Also: 7 Best AD Junglers to Solo Carry

8. Veigar

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (15)

Veigar has been shifting between the mid lane and bot lane for years now. He’s great at carrying games for his team, but you can also play Veigar as a tanky support. But believe it or not, Veigar is also excellent at the jungle!

Before I explain how to take advantage of this off-meta jungler properly, let me briefly go over his strengths and weaknesses here.

First of all, Veigar has one of the best crowd control abilities in the game – Event Horizon. His E is a large prison that traps enemies inside it.

And if they touch the walls of the prison, from inside or outside, they get stunned for several seconds too.

This also makes Veigar one of the best ganking champions in League of Legends. All he needs to do is walk up to the enemies and place his cage around them.

This forces his enemies to do irrational things and allows Veigar and his teammates to overpower them.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (16)

Besides that, Veigar has the best AP scaling in the entire League of Legends. Because Veigar can stack bonus ability power, he’s stronger the longer the game goes on.

In the jungle, he can always secure monsters with Q and use the damage to one-shot his opponents.

However, the only area where Veigar jungle is weak in is the early game. You’ll definitely find it hard to get to level 5 or 6. But once you do, you can start clearing the camps much quicker than before.

And lastly, I’d strongly advise you to play Veigar jungle with Predator. This rune is fantastic for ganking, especially for Veigar who’s an immobile champion. You can use Predator to get on top of enemy champions and trap them in your E.

If not, here’s my regular Veigar jungle guide.


  • Predator
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Celerity
  • Gathering Storm


  • Mobility Boots
  • Luden’s Tempest
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Void Staff
  • Morellonomicon

Read Also: The 10 Veigar Tips That Will Get You to Diamond

7. Malzahar

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (17)

Malzahar is one of the easiest champions to play in League of Legends. Besides his Q, he doesn’t have skill shots and he mostly lets his minions do the work for him. And that’s true for jungle Malzahar too!

When players pick Malzahar, it’s usually for one reason – his ultimate. Nether Grasp is a point-click suppression that keeps a target locked for 2.5 seconds.

And when Malzahar uses his R, he gives more than enough time for his teammates to take the enemy down.

In other words, each time Malzahar has his R available, it’s free gold for him and his allies. Moreover, when you have Flash and R ready as Malzahar, the gank is always 100% successful.

There aren’t too many champions that can survive 2.5 seconds of immobility, so Malzahar is a threat to anyone.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (18)

One thing that can set you behind when you play Malzahar in the jungle is an aggressive opponent. If the enemy jungle constantly invades you, you may struggle to reach level 6.

In this case, I’d suggest you avoid fighting before you unlock your ultimate or call your teammates for help.

Like other champions with pets in LoL, Malzahar can spawn voidlings to aid him. With his W, he can have a new voidling each time he uses Q or E and this is super helpful in the early game.

True, Malzahar’s voidlings die by one hit, but they do lots of damage too.

Because of this, maxing your Void Swarm first or second is a good tactic when you play Malzahar jungle. Not having to tank the jungle camps is a huge advantage for any champion, especially for such an off-meta mage pick.


  • Predator
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Liandry’s Anguish
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
  • Demonic Embrace
  • Morellonomicon
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap

Read Also: The Best Mid Laners Against Tanks

6. Fizz

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (19)

With so many assassins running free in the jungle, Fizz jungle shouldn’t seem too strange. After all, the champion has explosive damage and great mobility that allows him to move around Summoner’s Rift.

Unlike many off-meta junglers on this list, Fizz’s farming is actually pretty decent. He doesn’t struggle too much to secure his first two buffs and his damage to monsters is high throughout the game.

Before level 6, Fizz doesn’t have the best ganking tools. All he can offer is damage and sometimes slow when he manages to use E on top of the enemy champion.

But if you focus on helping allies that already have stuns and roots, you can easily crush the opponents on that lane.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (20)

When Fizz gets his ultimate, he becomes a true monster. I dare say that on level 6 Fizz can one-shot any champion in League of Legends with his combo. The damage is really insane and you should definitely take advantage of it.

So, get level 6 and immediately go for a gank!

The one thing that Fizz may be weak at is securing Dragon and Rift Herald alone. In the early stages of the match, he simply doesn’t have self-healing these objectives.

But once you get a couple of items, soloing the Dragon won’t be a problem for you.

Fizz is personally one of my favorite champions to play in LoL. I’ve played him many times in the jungle and it’s always refreshing when you pick him up. So, I urge you to try him out!


  • Electrocute
  • Sudden Impact
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Triumph
  • Coup de Grace


  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Luden’s Tempest
  • Lich Bane
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Void Staff

Read Also: League of Legends Jungle Pets – Guide

5. Nautilus

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (21)

If the jungler’s job is to destroy the laning phase for his enemies by ganking, Nautilus fits that job description perfectly. This champion is obnoxious at setting his allies for success and can lock enemies down for multiple seconds.

Nautilus has many tools that allow him to have perfect ganks. His Q – Dredge Line is a long-range hook that brings Naut and his target next to each other.

Nautilus can then root the enemy with an auto-attack and even use R – Depth Charge to knock them up.

When you combine all of these crowd control effects, you can see that Nautilus can lock down an enemy for more than 3 seconds. This is plenty of time for his allies to damage the opponent and take them down.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (22)

Since Nautilus’ E – Riptide is an AoE spell that does a lot of magic damage to monsters, he doesn’t have a hard time farming either.

You’ll want to max out this ability first, especially if you want to keep up with the enemy Graves or Elise.

Once the late game arrives, Nautilus is a monster. His ability kit allows him to set up the team fight in favor of his team. He can always kite for his allies and help them with constant roots, stuns, and knock-ups.

Additionally, Nautilus is a natural tank that can absorb a lot of damage in a team fight. But he can deal a lot of damage too. Depending on your playstyle, you can go AP Nautilus or tank Nautilus.

Personally, I love playing Nautilus jungle with Aftershock but my first item is always Turbo Chemtank. This mythic allows you to get in range for Naut’s Q and have more successful ganks overall.

Here’s the full build.


  • Aftershock
  • Shield Bash
  • Conditioning
  • Overgrowth
  • Celerity
  • Waterwalking


  • Plated Steelcaps
  • Turbo Chemtank
  • Force of Nature
  • Thornmail
  • Demonic Embrace
  • Warmog’s Armor

Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta ADCs

4. Singed

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (23)

If you’ve never tried Singed jungle, trust me, he is one of the best off-meta junglers in League of Legends. If you take a look at Singed’s kit, you’ll quickly realize that this champion isn’t designed to be a laner.

None of his abilities are great at 1v1 fights in the lane or farming minions while farming.

Singed has only a poison and all of his damage is dealt over time. And if enemies walk away from his poison, Singed can’t deal damage.

However, all this is actually pretty good when it comes to farming the jungle camps. Singed can walk around the jungle camp and spread his poison on all monsters.

The monsters will never run away from Singed’s damage, unless Singed runs away himself.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (24)

At the beginning of the game, Singed’s damage is a bit underwhelming. But if you time your Smite well and be a bit careful, your early game can be really good.

If you take Predator on Singed, his ganks are excellent. He can perfectly set up a gank by running to an enemy player, tossing W to prevent any dash or Flash, and then fling them back to his teammates.

And since Singed’s E isn’t a skill shot, the gank can always be successful.

Singed is a late game champion. And the longer the game goes on the better he becomes. Singed usually builds items that burn the health bars of his enemies so he’s good against tanks too.

And if you’re interesting, here are the runes and items I’m running on Singed jungle.


  • Predator
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Relentless Hunter
  • Celerity
  • Waterwalking


  • Mercury’s Treads
  • Liandry’s Anguish
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
  • Demonic Embrace
  • Force of Nature
  • Thornmail

Read Also: 7 Best AP Junglers to Dominate in League of Legends

3. Sylas

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (25)

If you want a strong jungler that can always be relevant, no matter the matchup, I’d advise you to go for Sylas. Sylas is a great pick for almost all scenarios in League of Legends, especially when you’re facing enemies with impactful ultimates.

Since Sylas can borrow an opponent’s ultimate ability, he’s a natural counter to many champions.

For example, if Sylas steals the ultimate from the enemy Lee Sin, he can use Dragon’s Rage to kick Lee outside of the dragon pit and Smite the Dragon for himself.

There are hundreds of different ways that Sylas can outplay his opponents. His success often depends on how well you use your enemies’ ultimates, so be tactical.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (26)

Despite being an AP melee mage, Sylas is one of the strongest fighters in LoL. Besides his damage and CC, Sylas has his W – Kingslayer too. And with a bit of ability haste, Sylas’s W becomes a 2-3 seconds point-click spell.

Kingslayer deals a lot of instant damage and heals Sylas for a significant amount, allowing him to fight much longer.

In the jungle, Sylas has lots of AoE damage. His Q allows him to whip all monsters in a target location. And his passive grants him bonus damage to all enemies around him whenever he uses an ability.

The one thing that Sylas doesn’t have is self-healing while farming jungle camps. His W doesn’t grant healing against monsters, so taking Dragons and Rift Heralds alone might be difficult at the start.

But once you get the ball going, Sylas can be great at ganking too. His E is a dash and a root and can stop any enemy from escaping. So, definitely try Sylas in the jungle!


  • Conqueror
  • Presence of Mind
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Last Stand
  • Second Wind
  • Overgrowth


  • Plated Steelcaps
  • Everfrost
  • Lich Bane
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  • Cosmic Drive
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap

Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta Top Laners

2. Brand

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (27)

Out of all mage champions that can fit in the jungle role, Brand is perhaps the strongest one.

Because Brand’s damage is so strong, he never struggles to keep up with the enemy jungler. If you get a good leash from your teammates on your Blue Buff, Brand won’t slow you down.

His abilities have relatively short cooldowns and you can practically spam them.

But the reason why Brand is so good at jungle farming is his passive – Blaze. When Brand uses 3 abilities on a large monster, he applies Ablaze on the monster, burning their HP in the process.

And after 2 seconds, the monster explodes, dealing massive AoE damage that scales with their maximum health and Brand’s AP.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (28)

In other words, Brand’s passive allows him to always have enough damage to clear the jungle camps. With a simple ability combo, Brand can take down the Raptors or the Wolves, especially with a mythic item completed.

Moreover, Brand is one of the few champions that can use their ultimates on the Dragon or Rift Herald. And if you lack a bit of damage, you can always press R to quickly take down the Dragon alone.

Brand’s damage is even better against enemy champions, especially in the late game. Since his passive takes a portion of the opponents’ health bars, his abilities always hit hard.

And combined with other burn items, Brand is one of the champions to ever face in a team fight.

Brand’s only weakness is ganking. But if your teammates are willing to let you farm a bit, you won’t have problems carrying the game.


  • Dark Harvest
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Transcendence
  • Gathering Storm


  • Sorcerer’s Shoes
  • Liandry’s Anguish
  • Demonic Embrace
  • Morellonomicon
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Void Staff

Read Also: Top 10 Most Fun Junglers

1. Twisted Fate

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (29)

When it comes to playing off-meta junglers in League of Legends, my number one choice is Twisted Fate. I love this champion and his whole design.

I like all of his playstyles and builds, including this one because it gives him great advantages in the jungle.

The first thing you need to know about Twisted Fate jungler is that he’s one of the best gankers in the game.

This statement is true for TF mid lane too, but because the jungle role allows for more freedom, Twisted Fate can start destroying lanes since level 2.

Twisted Fate carries by supporting his allies. His damage has never been broken or unbalanced. And the best tool he has is his W – Pick a Card which allows him to stun enemies.

Often, it only takes a single gold card from TF for an enemy champion to be taken down. And since this is a point-click spell too, it’s hard to really miss it.

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (30)

But the biggest reason why Twisted Fate jungle is so scary is that he can be anywhere at any time. Even if vision is set up properly, Twisted Fate can always use his R – Destiny to teleport to a desired spot.

The sole fact that TF has his R available forces enemies to play defensively. And if they don’t respect TF’s presence, he can always teleport behind them, stun them, and take them out of the fight.

When you play Twisted Fate jungle, your goal should be always ganking. The build that I’m using focuses on increasing TF’s movement speed so you can quickly move around the map.

And when you unlock the ultimate, you can essentially gank two lanes one after the other.

And lastly, Twisted Fate jungle can also be played with an AD build. This one offers more attack speed and lifesteal, so it’s a fun playstyle too. But I personally prefer TF AP since it’s the build is really strong in all stages of the game.


  • Predator
  • Cheap Shot
  • Eyeball Collection
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Celerity
  • Waterwalking


  • Mobility Boots
  • Luden’s Tempest
  • Lich Bane
  • Rapid Firecannon
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass

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Those were the 15 best off-meta junglers in s12 of League of Legends! Not only are these picks fun to try out, but they can carry games in their own way.

For many champions on this list you have a variety of builds to use, but mine focus on giving you as many advantages as possible.

That said, I hope you enjoyed this long list of off-meta jungle picks. And I hope you’ll give some of them a shot in your games.

Good luck and have fun!

Top 15 Best Off-Meta Junglers in League of Legends + Builds (2024)
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